Cleaning and Organizing the Kitchen and on to the Rest of the House

I am in the middle of a huge project of cleaning and organizing my whole house. I am going to go through each room of my house and clean and organize everything. I plan on replacing some furniture to help with better organization of my house. Some of the furniture is not serving the propose I need it for. I hope that when I am done with my cleaning and organizing project, I will be able to locate thing better and keep everything cleaned better.

I am currently, working on cleaning and organizing the kitchen. This is not the first time, I have cleaned and organized the kitchen since I moved in the house but this is the first time I doing a full kitchen cleaning and organizing of it. I have pulled out everything out of the cabinets, wiped the cabinets out and then put the cans and boxes of food back in the cabinets. Even with a lot more to done, I am happy with what I have gotten done already. 

One thing I am waiting on, my sister to come and get her stuff that she is storing at my house while she is getting settle in Indiana. While she gets her stuff out, I will be getting shelves to organizing the back bedroom which have been used only for storage since I moved in the house. I hope to be able to better organize the stuff in the room and also put a bed in the room for guest. I will not be the best looking guest room but it will be a place to sleep. Hopefully, not so comfortable they stay longer then their welcome. 

Once I am able to get the dressers out of the backroom of the garage, I will be putting the dressers in my bedroom. I believe, they will work better the the dressers I am using now. I will on back to using the backroom for storage extra supplies for the house. I the main part of the garage, I am planning on getting shelves to get most of the stuff I have stored in there off the floor and make it easier to find things. It will be nice if one day I can walk around in the garage more then the small path down the middle that I have now.

Then there is the yard. The biggest thing for the yard, is getting the septic issues taking care of. I am working on saving up the money and finding the right people to take care of the issue. I am hoping, that the cheapest option I have at this point works. Once the issue is taking care of, I will get my garden fully setup. I also plan on putting a green house in the backyard. The greenhouse, cannot be done until the septic issue is fixed. The other thing that needs to wait is my plan to put a fairy garden is my front yard. If the cheapest option does not work, the other option will have to go right where I am planning to put the my fairy garden.

I am hoping when I get finished my cleaning and organizing project, my house and land will better work for me. I will better use it for the other project in my life. Maybe make it possible to start some other projects. I am looking forward to seeing the the process on the full cleaning and organizing project.


  1. Wow this sounds like such a huge project lots to do. If I wasn't sick and lived closer I'd offer to help. Organization can be both scary and rough. In recent years I've attempted to organize my space. I've found so many more things I could have used and now have no use for. And now have no space for. I hope you don't come across this issue. Sounds like there is going to be great shopping days in your future! Upvycling thrift store furniture and stuff into storage furniture and perhaps you can turn the dressors in your room into something more. There are millions of YouTube videos bout upcycling furniture for new purposes 🖒 I think you can do it! It's gonna be alot. I have a friend who has a fairy garden in her yard. They are amazing! I know hobby lobby always has fun pieces to add to those. A green house sounds amazing! Just make sure frosty the snowman doesn't get locked in there 😉
    And the last thought on the fairy garden it can always be a green fairy garden in the greenhouse! once you get it done you will be please not only with how much you did but how much better it's gonna be!. You got this. If you need any storage ideas I always have them but so does youtube! If you get stuck by all means holler! Keep up the good work the good thoughts and your good self!
    You got this dan the mountain man!

    1. I have been working a little bit each day of the project. The more I get the done the better I feel and want to do more. It is getting started that is the hard part.


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