Working On Things Around The House

Over the past year, I have been dealing with issues with my septic system. It was an ordeal just to get the critical issues with the septic to keep things from backing up into the house. After several calls to septic companies and a contractor, I located the septic tank and had the critical part of the problems taking care of. Then I worked on saving up the money, I needed in order to have drain field possibly repaired. I kept my eye on the check values of the waist line. When things started to really start backup, I made to decide to go ahead and call the Septic Company, I wanted to work on the whole problem at first but they were 3 to 4 weeks out when I was in emergency mode with the septic system.  They were only a week or two out now. Most of my wait was because of weather. They came and started to dig starting from the exit port of the septic tank and made their way towards the drain field.  Fortunately, only a few feet out they found the issue that was causing the issues. It looked like someone tried to repair previous issues with the septic system but did not connect the pipe correctly. The guys from the septic company put in a new pvc pipe and connected it into the line from the septic tank to the rest of the pipe going on down to the drain field. It was been several weeks and it seems to be work correctly now. 

I had last Friday off, so I used the day to start cleaning up things in my backyard. I cleaned up the shed and the backyard. With that start I continue to clean up the backyard and working in fixed where septic company dug up the yard to get the septic system fix. I have been going out everyday now and picking up trash and rocks. Sunday, I plugged the old waste line up. I only have to cover it up once the expanding form i used cures. I have most of the rocks picked up and the yard smoothed out to the point I feel it is safe to mow the grass better now the backup has dried up. I plan on mowing the backyard in the next day or two and put the grass in my compost bins.

It feels good to see things moving along to getting my plans for my yard completed. I plan on putting in a new patio to replace the old one I have ripped up while locating the septic tank. I also plan on putting a new and bigger fire ring in and a greenhouse too in the backyard.  

I am looking forward to get the backyard setup the way I want and using it with I have family and friends over. 


  1. what does your road sign say? lol misspent youth moment lol thats about what our shed looks like only smaller i'm glad you got the problem solved we too will likely need a new drain feild soon sounds like some lofty goals fire rings are so awesome! so are greenhouses. you can do it all in good time.
    you got this! keep it up!

    1. The sign says Road Construction Ahead. It was in the shed when I got the house.


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