Broke My Laptop

A few weeks ago, the hauge on my laptop broke again. This is a defect for the model laptop I have. It is the third time, have dealt with the hauge breaking. First time, just brought a new laptop. The second time, I had it repaired since it was covered under warranty unlike the first time. This time, I am go to wait and save up money and get a different brand of laptop. I also plan on getting a desktop computer to better edit my videos for my YouTube channel. I can also do upgrades on the desktop easier and have more options. 

For now, I am using a old tv as a monitor for my laptop. It is not the best but it will work until I decide of what laptop to get when I get the new one. I also have a major project around the house I want to finish before getting a new laptop. I have setup the laptop in my home office which I needed to organize a little better before I was able to setup the laptop on my desk. I use my office for my online book store. I had my shipping supplies and books in the way of seating at my desk. i managed to get the area around my desk cleared. I need to finish taking the books I need to list out of the boxes and out them in the crates, I have been moving them in too over the pass several months. The crates are easier to storage the books because I can stack the higher and not worry about them falling over like the boxes do from time to time. 

I need to get a few things out if the way before I start listing more books to the online store. Most of my time has been taken up by the overtime I have been working at the job. A lot of the time, I have felt too tired to work on the things I need to do for my books. I am starting to work in the stask I need to get done with my online store. 

Even though, I have more work to do on my office I am liking being able to move around a little better in my office. I know my office will look a lot better when I get more organizing done in my office.

I just need to keep myself motivated and continue to work on it. Then keep it clean and use it for more then storage for the books and supplies.


  1. i think this mission of keeping your office organized and clean will come easier then your thinking and i think you got this! just let go of any doubt and do it! remember you don't have to do it you get to! <3 I'm having motivation problems myself when it comes to cleaning but i pray every night asking God to give me the kick in the butt that i need to go. i think he thinks I'm only talking about work but there are days where i can conquer the world! lol and other days just nothing. i can do ALL things through Christ who strengthens me. we got this ... to quote a famous person that will remain un named lol nothing left to it but to do it! <3

    1. We will see how I do on keeping the office clean. Hoping I can get a new laptop soon.


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