Fixing The Dryer

I am glad that I brought my own house. One of the joys for homeownership is having to get someone to fix or fix it yourself when something breaks or stops working. It can be a pain but, I do not miss waiting for the landlord to get someone to fix things in the cheapest way. Only sometimes having the same issue down the road. It is a pain to pay for the repairs to the house on your own but, I have the option to get someone to do a quality job and get something of better quality. My dryer stopped drying about over a week ago. So last Tuesday, I called the appliance repair guy. He came the next morning and looked the dryer over and said it was most likely the heating element. He said he would not fixed it due to the limited space in my utility room. He is a old guy so I cannot blame the man and it is hard to move around in the room. He recommended a couple other appliance repair companies, for me to call. I looked online for a heating element and found one for less the $4...